Paket: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Jeans in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Za dečake, uzrast: 12 months kid
Paket za bebe dečake
veličina 80/86
nošeno uobičajeni tragovi nošenja
Farmerke kao nove
šareni duks tedi Carters
svetlo plavi duks Benetton Winie Pu Tedi ima trag od pegle ide gratis premekan i t...
Paket: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Džemperi, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Za dečake, uzrast: 18 months kid
Mini paket za male dečake
veličina 86 može i 80/86
Zara boys džemper 86
pantalone somotske duks sivi C&A 86
duks sivi auto brušeni pamuk 18 mes
UPLATA pre slanja!!!
Paket: Body in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Pants in bundle of kids' clothes, For boys furniture, uzrast: up to 3 months kid
Prodajem komplet ocuvanu odecu za decake bebe od 56-86(brendovi C&A, Sinsay, LCW, H&M,LilloPippo, Radovic Arilje),tako da mame mogu da budu mirne godinu i po dana. Preporuka za mame koje su se skor...