Paket: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Pants in bundle of kids' clothes, For boys furniture, uzrast: 9-10 years kid
Paket garderobe za dečake 134/140cm
10 god
1. Pantalone zimske teget termo somot12 kao 10
2. Trenerka 9/10 siva
3. Trenerka 10 crna
4. Trenerka 10 teget debela
5. C&A majica teget 134/140
6. C&A ...
Paket: Jacket in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Pants in bundle of kids' clothes, For girls, uzrast: 12-13 years kid
Prodajem paket garderobe za devojcice,za uzrast 12-14god. Odeca je od mojih devojcica,neke stvari su manje,neke vise nosene,neke nove. Uglavnom stvari su dobro ocuvane,nosive.
Paket sadrzi 19kom ga...
Paket: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Tracksuit in bundle of kids' clothes, For boys furniture, uzrast: 9-10 years kid
Paket: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, For girls
Paket stvari za devojcice, mpja cerkica ih je nosila od seste do osam godina, u avgustu puni 9,sad je vec malo, sve za 2000din,bice jos 2 majice kao poklon, dosta dobro ocuvana odeca, bez fleka i n...