Paket: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, For girls, uzrast: 8-9 years kid
Nove, samo oprane decije bluze. Dobijene na poklon. Velicina 134/140. Svaka po 300 din. Svih 7 zajedno je cena 2.000,00.
Slanje iskljucivo NAKON uplate ili preko post express-a kao OTKUP, ukoliko...
Paket: Sweater in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Tracksuit in bundle of kids' clothes, For boys furniture, uzrast: 3 years kid
Paket odece za decake 92-98 velicina... Sve ocuvano..
Paket: Shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Pants in bundle of kids' clothes, For boys furniture, uzrast: 7-8 years kid
Za dete 7,8 godina
sve ide sa slike za 1200
Paket: Prsluci, Majice, Pantalone, Za dečake, uzrast: 7-8 godina
Novogodišnji paket za dečake
Veličina 128
Pantalone kvalitetne somotske pamučne
Majica dugih rukava premekana i preudobna
Prsluk topao i mekan
Ne prodajem posebno samo kao paket.
UPLATA pre sl...
Paket: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Jacket in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, For boys furniture, uzrast: 10-11 years kid
Paket: T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Pants in bundle of kids' clothes, Shorts in bundle of kids' clothes, For boys furniture, uzrast: 4-5 years kid