TP-Link TD-VG5612 300Mbps Wireless N VoIP VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
TP-Link TD-VG5612
300Mbps Wireless N VoIP VDSL/ADSL Modem Router TD-VG5612
300Mbps Wireless N VoIP VDSL/ADSL Modem Router TD-VG5612
Fast Broadband Speeds – Up to 100Mbps broadband speeds, ide...
Wireless Cable VoIP Gateway Ubee EVW32C
Availability: currently available
LAN / WAN Connectivity
WAN throughput: 1024 Mbps
WAN throughput upstream: 240 Mbps
WAN ports: 1
WAN port(s...
Asus X55U Notebook Ekran racunara razbijen, sve ostalo je ispravno
Asus X55U Notebook
Ekran racunara razbijen, sve ostalo je ispravno, baterija slaba.
Bez Hard diska, stanje kao na slikama.
Processor AMD Fusion APU E2-1800/E1-1200/E-450/C-60 (Dual-Core) Process...
Pearl VX 35 GPS 8.9 cm TFT touchscreen (3.5 ") with automatic day /
Pearl VX 35 GPS
8.9 cm TFT touchscreen (3.5 ") with automatic day / night / tunnel mode • Premium functions: SmartZoom for optimal view, lane assistant, speed limits, signpost, configurable map vi...
Wireless Router TP-Link TL-WR340G Proizvodac : TP-Link Model
Wireless Router TP-Link TL-WR340G
Proizvodac : TP-Link
Model : TL-WR340G 10/100 4 ports, 1 WAN port
Proizvodac : TP-Link
Model : TL-WR340G 10/100 4 ports, 1 WAN port
Oblik : Non-rack
Sony playstation 4 slim. 500gb.Ide sa 2 dzojstika i svim potrebnim
Sony playstation 4 slim. 500gb.Ide sa 2 dzojstika i svim potrebnim kablovima!
Sony nije cipovan i moze se koristiti online. Ima garanciju jos 6mes
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