Iphone X Apple id free✅ Sim free✅ Icloud free✅ Face id free✅ Telefon je jako dobro ocuvan, koriscen vrlo malo, razlog prodaje uzela sam novi pa ne koristim ga vise. Baterija je 74% baterija moze l...
Hands free Bluetooth Aux USB audio prijemnik Bluetooth 5.1 audio
Hands free Bluetooth Aux USB audio prijemnik
Bluetooth 5.1 audio prijemnik AUX USB Dual Output Stereo Auto Hands-free Poziv
Domet rada: do 10m
Uparivanje: plavi ...
X6 Bluetooth Resiver Auto Car Kit Podrška TF Kartica A2DP Audio Stereo
X6 Bluetooth Resiver Auto Car Kit Podrška TF Kartica A2DP Audio Stereo Bluetooth HandFree prijemnik
Opis proizvoda:
X6 automobil Bluetooth muzički prijemnik (hands-free) je bežični proizvod visok...
Apple iPhone iPhone 11, 64 GB, Crveno, Bežični punjač, Face ID
Iphone 11 Red
Face id ✅, TrueTone✅
Battery Health 82%
Super Condition in working condition👍
With charger and Data Cable and cover
Witeless charger also(if needed)
All original parts