OBDLink LX Bluetooth OBD2 za Vozila i Motorcikle OBDLink LX Bluetooth
OBDLink LX Bluetooth OBD2 za Vozila i Motorcikle
OBDLink LX Bluetooth OBD2 + BMW motocikl Motorrad MOTOSCAN Plus 10 pinski kabel ili Produzni Obd2 kabel za Vozila ili oba uz doplatu.
BMW motosca...
Apple iPhone iPhone 11, 64 GB, Crveno, Bežični punjač, Face ID
Iphone 11 Red
Face id ✅, TrueTone✅
Battery Health 82%
Super Condition in working condition👍
With charger and Data Cable and cover
Witeless charger also(if needed)
All original parts