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luj viton torba fashion and friends - Zrenjanin

    Fashion slippers, 36
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: Fashion slippers, 36

    1 200 RSD

    Women's slippers

    Fashion slippers, 36

    Italijanske kozne klompe velicina 36
    PS Fashion, L (EU 40), Single-colored, color - Grey
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion, L (EU 40), Single-colored, color - Grey

    2 000 RSD


    PS Fashion, L (EU 40), Single-colored, color - Grey

    Potpuno Ocuvan P. S. Fashion komplet, sako i pantalone, bez ostecenja. Elegantan, pantalone na peglu, boja na slikama jeste siva ali on vuce i na svetlo plavo. Na slikama nije lepo ispeglam jer ja ...
    PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Red, Cocktail, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Red, Cocktail, Long sleeves

    1 200 RSD


    PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Red, Cocktail, Long sleeves

    Potpuno ocuvana P. S. Fashion haljina - tunika, naravno bez ikakvih ostecenja, jako malo nosena, kao nova. Unutra se kopca na cibzar a preko na dugmice. Ravnog kroja i jednostavna samo se ramena ra...
    Shoulder bag
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag

    600 RSD


    Shoulder bag

    Nova crna somot tašnica, može na rame može preko ruke,mala ali dosta stane u nju.Dužina 26,visina bez ručki 22,cm.
    PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Grey, Cocktail, Without sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Grey, Cocktail, Without sleeves

    1 300 RSD


    PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Grey, Cocktail, Without sleeves

    Potpuno ocuvana P. S. Fashion haljina. Top, kopca se nazad na cibzar, sa postavom. Kais koji je bio uz nju je malo propao pa sam stavila svoj skoro isti kao taj. Veoma lepa, sexy, naravno bez ikakv...
    PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Brown, Other style, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Brown, Other style, Long sleeves

    1 400 RSD


    PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Brown, Other style, Long sleeves

    Potpuno nova P. S. Fashion haljina, narucena preko neta i zaboravila sam da su njihovi brojevi za dva manji, pa sam uzela 44. Jer je njihov broj 40 ustvari 44. Ali takav je mogel da to nije toliko ...
    PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Green, Other style, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Green, Other style, Long sleeves

    1 600 RSD


    PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Green, Other style, Long sleeves

    P. S. Fashion haljina tunika, davno kupljena ali i davno jednom obucena, kao nova, naravno bez ikakvih ostecenja. Njihov je broj 38 sto znaci da je to 42, ali ja na slici nosim 38, kupila sam vecu ...
    PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves

    3 800 RSD


    PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves

    Potpuno nova P. S. Fashion haljina, kupljena za jednu svadbu ali nije obucena nikad. Samo je skinuta etiketa. Placena jos pre par godina 7600. Veoma elegantna, kopca se nazad na cibzar, veoma prija...
    PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleeves

    4 200 RSD


    PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleeves

    Potpuno nova P. S. Fashion haljina, samo skinuta etiketa ali nikad obucena, ne znam ni sto sam je kupila jer mi ne stoji nesto. Nije skroz pripijena, vec prati liniju tela. Kopca se nazad na cibzar...
    PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves

    2 300 RSD


    PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves

    Predivna potpuno nova P. S. Fashion haljina, samo skinuta etiketa. To je od jedne gospodje sudije koja preko mene prodaje stvari koje ne nosi i samo stoje. Za prolece, leto, jesen, divan model, sas...
    PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves
    2 500 RSD

    2 000 RSD


    PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves

    Potpuno nova haljina - mantil P. S. Fashion, samo skinuta etiketa, ali gospodji koja je kupila nikad nije obukla samo stoji. Moze da se nosi kao Haljina, Mantil, divno uradjen i bio preskup. Divan ...
    PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Pink, Evening, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Pink, Evening, Long sleeves

    7 500 RSD


    PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Pink, Evening, Long sleeves

    Potpuno nova P. S. Fashion haljina sa etiketom, kupljena jos pre tri godine za svadbu koje nije bilo zbog korone. Nisam imala gde drugo da je nosim. Malo se tegli, kopca se nazad na vibzar, dublji,...
    Fashion slippers, 38.5
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: Fashion slippers, 38.5
    1 200 RSD

    1 000 RSD

    Women's slippers

    Fashion slippers, 38.5

    Crne papuče broj 37 i broj 38 cena po komadu popust za oba para
    PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves

    1 800 RSD


    PS Fashion M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves

    P. S. Fashion haljina tunika jos davno kupljena, potpuno ocuvana, bez ikakvih tragova nosenja i ostecenja. Malo se tegli, veoma lepo uradjena i zanimljiva, placena skupo, kao i sve kod njih. Moze u...
    PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Blue, Cocktail, Long sleeves
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Blue, Cocktail, Long sleeves
    2 000 RSD

    1 700 RSD


    PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Blue, Cocktail, Long sleeves

    Potpuno nova P. S. Fashion haljina, samo skinuta etiketa ali nikada obucena, samo stoji. Za vece, malo sjaji, lepo prati liniju tela i tegli se dosta, kopca se nazad na cibzar. To je od jedne gospo...
    M (EU 38), Midi, color - White
    luj viton torba fashion and friends: M (EU 38), Midi, color - White

    500 RSD


    M (EU 38), Midi, color - White

    P.S. fashion suknja, od viskoze i lana. Veličina 38 / M. Podesivi struk, vrlo udobna.


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