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fashion and friends desigual torbe - Valjevo - Page 2

    Elegant purse
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Elegant purse

    3 000 RSD


    Elegant purse

    Komplet dve tašne. Tašna sa malom pismo tašnicom, obe imaju kaiš za rame, novo-nekorisceno.
    Shoulder bag, Material: Faux leather
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Shoulder bag, Material: Faux leather

    2 500 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Material: Faux leather

    8boja na jednoj torbi u kockicama slaze se uz svaku kezual toilets. Pri tom je za sve uzraste......
    Elegant purse
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Elegant purse

    900 RSD


    Elegant purse

    Nova, nekorišćena torbica preko ramena, u odličnom stanju
    Shoulder bag
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Shoulder bag

    1 800 RSD


    Shoulder bag

    Zimska torba namenjna svjm gen̈èraciàma,aktulne màslinasto zelene bojè. A obmotana krznom......
    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    2 200 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    Svecķi poznat bend CAT WALĶ..... POTPUNO NOVÀ I ĶOZN̈A TORBA IZ ITALIJÈ!!!!!!!
    Gucci, Material: Synthetics
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Gucci, Material: Synthetics

    3 000 RSD


    Gucci, Material: Synthetics

    GUCCI svi volimo, ali Ona nije za sve!!!! Par puta novena, sjajno je ocuvana I nosiva. Odabrani.... imate priliku sad da je priustite.....
    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    2 500 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    Jenna slika,1000 reci..... Zuti kaiz moze da se skine, I obe staring da se nose odvojeo..... Brend 4H
    Shoulder bag, Material: Faux leather
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Shoulder bag, Material: Faux leather

    3 300 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Material: Faux leather

    Italijanski poznati brend Alessandro Salvatore A product PULLMA Group. Atraktivna I potpuno nova!!
    Elegant purse, Material: Faux leather
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Elegant purse, Material: Faux leather

    4 000 RSD


    Elegant purse, Material: Faux leather

    Jako otmèn̈a trobojna torba za orginalne dame Potpuno nova,I pozntog Svajcarsķog Brenda. Cèn̈a 4000 dìn̈. A vredn̈os u u butiku u Cirihu je 3200 èura!
    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    1 880 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    Rok-pan̈k#VDR crnà svètlùcava torɓa sa rùckàmao od lanàça Toʻrba je za .mĺadeI Ĺ!!! Salìm se.... ,
    Shoulder bag, Material: Canvas
    fashion and friends desigual torbe: Shoulder bag, Material: Canvas

    2 700 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Material: Canvas

    Rucno vezana paun na prelepom platnu pa preko platina plavi til... Kupljena u Italiji, I nikada nije koriscena!!! Cena 2700 din. Contact Vi placate postarìnu ?


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