Zara S (EU 36), color - Red, Cocktail, Long sleeves2 000 RSD1 500 RSDDressesZara S (EU 36), color - Red, Cocktail, Long sleevesPerfektna crno crvena haljina sa korpicama. Čvrsta, izuzetno kvalitetna, ima dosta elastina. Savršeno stoji... ...sniženo ...... .....
Vero Moda L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Without sleeves600 RSD500 RSDDressesVero Moda L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Without sleevesVeromoda haljina, pamuk. Veličina XL, vise odgovara za L. Poluobim grudi 40 do 51, duzina haljine 68.
Other style, Other sleeves2 800 RSDDressesOther style, Other sleevesSvi modeli haljina po 2800 s m l xl
Color - Black, Other style, With the straps400 RSDDressesColor - Black, Other style, With the strapsHaljina ima dosta elastina velicina m dimenzije obim grudi 34 obim kuka 40 duzina 95 rasprodaja zato su te cene
M (EU 38), color - Red, Cocktail, Without sleeves2 000 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Red, Cocktail, Without sleevesKorset haljina sa korpicama na grudima i silikonskom trakom sa unutrasnje strane. Duzina i sirina na slikama.
Color - Grey, Other style, Other sleevesNegotiableDressesColor - Grey, Other style, Other sleevesFenomenalna haljina, odlična za sve prilike. Prijatna i fina za nošenje. Očuvana maximalno, nošena svega 2-3x. Za sve info tu sam 🍀
Massimo Dutti M (EU 38), Evening, With the straps1 500 RSDDressesMassimo Dutti M (EU 38), Evening, With the strapsMassimo Dutti haljina od vrlo kvalitetnog štofa (100% vuna), veličine 38. Boja je neka bordo/fuksija, baš otmena. Poluobim struka 42 cm a dužina haljinice 81 cm.
M (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, Without sleeves550 RSD500 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, Without sleevesOnly haljina top crna, cipkana. Dužina 67, poluobim pazuh pazuh 34/38, poluobim struka 38.
S (EU 36), color - Silver, Evening, Without sleeves500 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Silver, Evening, Without sleevesSatenska haljina vel.S
Art Love M (EU 38), color - Red, Evening, With the straps1 500 RSDDressesArt Love M (EU 38), color - Red, Evening, With the strapsCrvena haljina sa crnom čipkom.
2XL (EU 44), color - Burgundy, Cocktail, Short sleeves10 000 RSD6 000 RSDDresses2XL (EU 44), color - Burgundy, Cocktail, Short sleevesHaljina Luna, samo jednom nošena. Broj 44.
Balmain S (EU 36), color - White, Oversize, With the straps500 RSDDressesBalmain S (EU 36), color - White, Oversize, With the strapsBela kratka haljina S velicina jednom nosena niš
S (EU 36), color - Red, Other style, Without sleeves800 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Red, Other style, Without sleevesCrvena top haljina da elastinom. Velicina S Duzina 88 Poluobim struka 36 Poluobim grudi 39
One size, color - Green, Evening, With the straps800 RSDDressesOne size, color - Green, Evening, With the strapsTamno zelena haljina, materijal sličan plišu. Nije nošena. Prelepo stoji, presijava se. Kopča se pozadi. Univerzalna veličina.
M (EU 38), color - Black, Evening, With the straps3 000 RSD2 500 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Black, Evening, With the strapsHaljina ocuvana obucena 2 puta sa ubacenim korpama za grudi..snizena
Zara S (EU 36), color - Red, Oversize, Long sleeves1 500 RSDDressesZara S (EU 36), color - Red, Oversize, Long sleevesZara bordo kosulja haljina sa vezom, perlama i kristalima. Veličina S.
S (EU 36), color - Red, Evening, With the straps2 000 RSD1 500 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Red, Evening, With the strapsCrvena haljina prelepoooo stojiii. Nosena 2 puta.
9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the straps600 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the strapsHaljina vel m
Ariadna S (EU 36), color - Light blue, Cocktail, Long sleeves1 000 RSDDressesAriadna S (EU 36), color - Light blue, Cocktail, Long sleevesPlava cipkana haljina dugih rukava. Uni veličina. Najbolja za s/m. Pamučna postava, odozgo rastegljiva čipka
A-Dress XS (EU 34), color - Black, Cocktail, Without sleeves400 RSDDressesA-Dress XS (EU 34), color - Black, Cocktail, Without sleevesTop haljina crna sa krljustima. Poluobim pazuh pazuh 30 do 40, dužina 61, poluobim struka 32 do 41.