M (EU 38), Viscose, color - Multicolored1 300 RSD1 000 RSDTunicsM (EU 38), Viscose, color - MulticoloredBozanstvena tunika kosulja od viskoze, dezen divan sa crno, belo, sivim motivima, kopca se, ima dugmice, rukavi su podesivi, oko vrata ili pojasa moze da se vezuje traka, mozete je nositi kako zeli...
XL (EU 42), color - White, Oversize, Short sleeves1 800 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), color - White, Oversize, Short sleevesKošulja haljina je nova ne nosena, predivan model Poluobim ramena 37 Poluobim grudi 42 Duzina haljine 109
9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, Long sleeves1 500 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, Long sleevesPrelepa kratka crna haljinica uz telo, prati liniju tela. Vel. M/L. Nosena jednom. Novo!
9Fashion Woman L (EU 40), color - White, Other style, Other sleeves1 000 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman L (EU 40), color - White, Other style, Other sleevesPrelepa asimetrična tunika/haljinica, leopard dezen, premekani materijal, vel. L
S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves2 000 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves
M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves400 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleevesHaljinica rebrasti pamuk L i kosuljica M kao novo obe za 400
XL (EU 42), color - Pink, Evening, With the straps2 500 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), color - Pink, Evening, With the strapsKomplet suknja i gornji deo. Nošen samo jednom, u odličnom stanju. Moze se nositi zajedno, a moze se kombinovati posebno gornji deo posebno donji.
H&M M (EU 38), color - Beige, Cocktail, With the straps1 000 RSDDressesH&M M (EU 38), color - Beige, Cocktail, With the strapsVečernja H&M letnja haljinica, prati liniju tela, bež boja. Providi se odmah da naglasim. Za mako smelije dame. 😋🫣 Vel. 38/M.
New Yorker M (EU 38), color - Burgundy, Cocktail, Long sleeves1 300 RSDDressesNew Yorker M (EU 38), color - Burgundy, Cocktail, Long sleevesPrelepa zimska kratka karirana haljinica, vel. M/L. Super stoji sa kaišem. Ima džepove👍🏼🍀
Mango S (EU 36), color - Beige, Cocktail, With the straps2 000 RSD1 500 RSDDressesMango S (EU 36), color - Beige, Cocktail, With the strapsMANGO haljinica. Kao nova. Jednom nošena. Vel. S (36)
7Arrows M (EU 38), Other style, Long sleeves4 500 RSDDresses7Arrows M (EU 38), Other style, Long sleevesHaljina m s l
S (EU 36), color - Turquoise, Evening, Without sleeves500 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Turquoise, Evening, Without sleevesHaljinica Veličina S
9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - Blue, Cocktail, Long sleeves2 200 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - Blue, Cocktail, Long sleevesNOVAAA royal blue haljinica vrhunskog kvaliteta!! Vel. 38/M🤩🍀
Pepe Jeans M (EU 38), color - Black, Other style, With the straps700 RSDDressesPepe Jeans M (EU 38), color - Black, Other style, With the strapsHaljinica, letnja, vel. 38/M.. Ne providi se. Pepe Jeans tanak materijal
Zara M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Cocktail, With the straps2 000 RSDDressesZara M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Cocktail, With the strapsLetnja lagana haljinica, vel. M/L. Leopard dezen sa cipkom. 🍀👍🏼
9Fashion Woman S (EU 36), color - Turquoise, Cocktail, Other sleeves2 500 RSD2 300 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman S (EU 36), color - Turquoise, Cocktail, Other sleevesPotpuno nova, nošena dva puta, srpski domaći brend LEGEND WORLD WIDE. Vel. S. Moze i S/M. Prati liniju tela.
9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - Brown, Other style, With the straps1 500 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - Brown, Other style, With the strapsPrelepa deblja haljinica, vel S/M. Kraci model
9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), Cocktail, With the straps1 200 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), Cocktail, With the strapsNova haljinica. Roze-crna kombinacija. Vel. M/L. 5% elastina u sebi.
9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - White, Evening, Long sleeves1 300 RSD1 200 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman M (EU 38), color - White, Evening, Long sleevesBela haljina,nošena jednom! Veličina 38.
9Fashion Woman One size, color - Multicolored, Oversize, Long sleeves1 200 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman One size, color - Multicolored, Oversize, Long sleevesPreslatka zimska oversize haljinica. Nošena 2x.. Kraci model🍀
9Fashion Woman 3XL (EU 46), color - Beige, Cocktail, With the straps1 200 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman 3XL (EU 46), color - Beige, Cocktail, With the strapsPrelepa lagana haljina, prelepo stoji sa kaišem, oversize ali moze da se koriguje, vel 3XL. Ali sam je ja nosila kao vel. L jer se koriguje..