L (EU 40), color - Black, Cocktail, Long sleeves6 800 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Black, Cocktail, Long sleevesFantasticna potpuno nova haljina sa etiketom, crna, sexy. Tegljiva cipka na rukavima i dole kod bokova. Veoma upecatljiva. Lep materijal, dosta se tegli, kopca se nazad na cibzar. Bila preskupa, na...
2XL (EU 44), color - White, Other style, With the straps1 700 RSDDresses2XL (EU 44), color - White, Other style, With the strapsNova haljina, velicina 44.
H&M M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the straps4 000 RSDDressesH&M M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the strapsNova H&M duga haljina, M/L
One size, color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves800 RSDDressesOne size, color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina, očuvana, nekoliko puta nošena. Ima kragnicu, kaiš u istom dezenu, kopčanje na dugmiće. Ne providi se. Ne mora da se pegla.
7Arrows L (EU 40), XL (EU 42), M (EU 38), color - Brown, Evening, Long sleeves2 300 RSDDresses7Arrows L (EU 40), XL (EU 42), M (EU 38), color - Brown, Evening, Long sleevesElasticna cela
A-Dress M (EU 38), color - Pink, Evening, With the straps699 RSDDressesA-Dress M (EU 38), color - Pink, Evening, With the strapsSvečana duga roza haljina m l vel. VISKOZA
S (EU 36), color - Black, Other style, Long sleeves1 400 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Black, Other style, Long sleevesPredivna lepršava haljina Odgovara Vel S M
S (EU 36), color - Green, Other style, Long sleeves1 400 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Green, Other style, Long sleevesPredivna haljina viskosa Odgovara Vel S M Extra model i kvalitet Uvoz Francuska
M (EU 38), color - White, Other style, Long sleeves800 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - White, Other style, Long sleevesShein Haljina M, L Nova Pazuh po 48
One Teaspoon 2XL (EU 44), color - Black, Other style, Other sleeves3 600 RSDDressesOne Teaspoon 2XL (EU 44), color - Black, Other style, Other sleeves2xl-4xl 3600
Oversize, Long sleeves3 600 RSDDressesOversize, Long sleeves3600 Veličine : 38 40 42 44 46 48 Materijal : Viskoza Mere za 48 veličinu ( 120cm obim grudi, 140cm obim bokova ) Dužina : 140 cm
XL (EU 42), color - Black, Other style, Short sleeves499 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), color - Black, Other style, Short sleevesHaljina u odlicnom stanju Realna velicina 38/40 Tegli se
PS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Black, Cocktail, With the straps3 000 RSDDressesPS Fashion L (EU 40), color - Black, Cocktail, With the strapsPoznati brend PS...velicina 40 Svedena a mocna Dimenzije: Poluobim grudi 43cm,struk 38cm,kukovi 45-46cm,duzima 100cm
Affliction S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Cocktail, With the straps300 RSDDressesAffliction S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Cocktail, With the straps
S (EU 36), color - Blue, Other style, Short sleeves500 RSD350 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Blue, Other style, Short sleevesHaljina, univerzalna velicina, kao nova.
Zara S (EU 36), color - Silver, Cocktail, Long sleeves7 500 RSDDressesZara S (EU 36), color - Silver, Cocktail, Long sleevesSaaavrsen i unikatan modni komad,s vel,laka za kombinovanje i mocna pri ostavljanju utiska na okolinu
S (EU 36), color - Gold, Evening, With the straps950 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Gold, Evening, With the strapsZlatna duga uska haljina, obucena mozda dva puta. Vel S/M. Za vise info poruka
H&M XS (EU 34), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the straps900 RSDDressesH&M XS (EU 34), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the strapsH&M haljinica
Bershka S (EU 36), color - Black, Other style, Short sleeves1 000 RSD500 RSDDressesBershka S (EU 36), color - Black, Other style, Short sleeves