XL (EU 42), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves1 000 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleevesInteresantna haljina,prati liniju tela sa kratkim šlicem pri dnu,pozadi duž ledja dugačak rajfešlus...POGLEDAJTE I OSTALE MOJE OGLASE
M (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, Without sleeves900 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, Without sleevesTop haljina iz Barselone, M Extra, prelepo stoji, izazovna, lagana, savrsena , za izgled koji osvaja,..
M (EU 38), color - Light blue, Other style, With the straps800 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Light blue, Other style, With the strapsHaljina M, L cel Pazuh po 43 Struk 40 Duzina sa sredine ledja 75
S (EU 36), color - Khaki, Other style, Long sleeves400 RSD300 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Khaki, Other style, Long sleevesSmaragdno zelena plišana haljina, veličina otprilike za S/M. Na slikama deluje malo hladnija boja, uživo je toplija, smaragdna. 400 din.
S (EU 36), color - Beige, Other style, Short sleeves350 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Beige, Other style, Short sleevesKošulja- haljina sive boje,kopča se nitnama,kratak rukav,dva dzepa,dužine 87 cm,obim grudi 84 cm,veličine S,100% pamuk.
XD S (EU 36), color - Yellow, Cocktail, Long sleeves1 500 RSD1 000 RSDDressesXD S (EU 36), color - Yellow, Cocktail, Long sleevesHaljina zuta univerzalna s/m Nosena jednom
S (EU 36), color - Burgundy, Other style, Other sleeves6 000 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Burgundy, Other style, Other sleevesLegend haljina S. Nikad nosena. Viskoza ali teza, divna na dodir. Za nijansu je duza nazad. Nosi se prolece, jesen, mada moze i zimi.
S (EU 36), M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the straps1 000 RSDDressesS (EU 36), M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the strapsUniverzalna haljina sm ima korpe
Koton S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the straps800 RSDDressesKoton S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the strapsKoton nikad nosena haljina, s velicina, ne tegli se materijal, odlicna da se "upakuju" nedostaci na telu 😉
M (EU 38), color - Black, Other style, Long sleeves800 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Black, Other style, Long sleevesHaljine novo,moderno,
S (EU 36), Other style, Long sleeves700 RSD600 RSDDressesS (EU 36), Other style, Long sleevesHaljine nove S/M
S (EU 36), color - White, Evening, With the straps1 500 RSD1 400 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - White, Evening, With the strapsŠivena haljina, S velicina, jednom nosena, fantasticno stoji, cipka do ispod kolena, gore je ukrojena kao korset
M (EU 38), color - Red, Other style, Long sleeves1 700 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Red, Other style, Long sleevesHaljine Cena 1700 Unu vel. V/12
PS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Green, Other style, Short sleeves3 500 RSDDressesPS Fashion XL (EU 42), color - Green, Other style, Short sleevesNova PS haljina
7Arrows M (EU 38), color - Light blue, Cocktail, Without sleeves3 500 RSDDresses7Arrows M (EU 38), color - Light blue, Cocktail, Without sleevesLuksuzna dizajne vera mont haljina. Morske zeleno plave boje haljina. Vrlo kvalitetna, da naglasim. Veličina 40/l mere: grudi poluobim 44,5cm dužina 71cm bez razmene.
Zara M (EU 38), Other style, Short sleeves800 RSDDressesZara M (EU 38), Other style, Short sleevesZara knit haljina. Uzivo dosta lepsa. Stanje odlicno. Velicina M, mada ima bas puno elastina pa mogu i vece velicine.
M (EU 38), color - Red, Other style, Long sleeves900 RSD600 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Red, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina deblji pamuk, univerzalna. Rastegljiva, bez ostecena. Prelepo stoji, nosena samo za jednu priliku. Boja malo tamnija nego na slici.
9Fashion Woman S (EU 36), color - Pink, Other style, Without sleeves500 RSDDresses9Fashion Woman S (EU 36), color - Pink, Other style, Without sleevesF&F Haljina na sitne roze cvetiće F&F exclusive, materijal 100% COTON. Mere: Grudi poluobim do 42cm Dužina 65cm BEZ RAZMENE.
S (EU 36), color - Purple, Other style, Long sleeves1 000 RSD700 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Purple, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina dobro ocuvana. Pamucna, par puta nosena.