S (EU 36), color - Brown, Single-colored1 500 RSD1 000 RSDLeggings, Bike shortsS (EU 36), color - Brown, Single-coloredHelanke visokog struka, dugih zvonastih nogavica. Odlican materijal pun elastina, prelepo oblikuju telo. Stanje odlicno, samo oprane. Velicina S, ali se dosta razvlace. Uzivo dosta lepse.
Color - Black, Single-colored1 250 RSDLeggings, Bike shortsColor - Black, Single-coloredAnimal plisane helanke sa priveskom,dublji struk,samo crna boja.
M (EU 38), color - Black400 RSDTrousersM (EU 38), color - BlackNovooo Plišane helanke xs,s,m dosta na stanju po komadu 400 dinara
L (EU 40), color - Black1 000 RSDLeggings, Bike shortsL (EU 40), color - BlackNove plišane helanke, L veličine, tegljive.
S (EU 36), color - Black, Single-colored1 800 RSD1 600 RSDLeggings, Bike shortsS (EU 36), color - Black, Single-coloredZara plišane helanke, uske, duboki struk, sa zipovima na nogavicama... Nove, samo probane , meni su velike... S veličina..
7Arrows S (EU 36), M (EU 38), L (EU 40), color - Blue, Other style, Long sleeves2 500 RSD1 800 RSDDresses7Arrows S (EU 36), M (EU 38), L (EU 40), color - Blue, Other style, Long sleevesPlisana haljina
0101 Brand, M (EU 38), L (EU 40), color - Pink1 800 RSDWomen's Sweatshirts0101 Brand, M (EU 38), L (EU 40), color - PinkCrop plisana dukserica
M (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, With the straps1 200 RSD700 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, With the strapsHaljina plišana
S (EU 36), M (EU 38), Single-colored, color - Black400 RSDTrousersS (EU 36), M (EU 38), Single-colored, color - BlackPlisana
7Arrows, L (EU 40), M (EU 38), color - Grey700 RSDWomen's Sweatshirts7Arrows, L (EU 40), M (EU 38), color - GreyPlisani teget-siv
S (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, Short sleeves1 500 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, Short sleevesHaljina, plišana, veličina S
Plisani duks, mis rukavi, velicina L250 RSDBlousesPlisani duks, mis rukavi, velicina LPlisani duks, mis rukavi, velicina L
M (EU 38), color - Blue, Other style, Long sleeves700 RSD400 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Blue, Other style, Long sleevesPlišana dukserica-tunika,veličina M.
Single-colored, color - Light blue1 000 RSDSweatsuit SetsSingle-colored, color - Light blueTrenerka plisana
Pumps, Cesare Paciotti, 3912 000 RSDWomen's pumpsPumps, Cesare Paciotti, 39Celine original salonke kozne, plisane. Pise 39c broj.
H&M M (EU 38), color - Gold, Other style, Long sleeves1 050 RSD1 000 RSDDressesH&M M (EU 38), color - Gold, Other style, Long sleevesPlisana haljina H&M, velicina 38.
New Yorker M (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, With the straps500 RSDDressesNew Yorker M (EU 38), color - Black, Cocktail, With the strapsPlišana crna haljina
M (EU 38), color - Brown700 RSDShortsleevesM (EU 38), color - BrownTally Weijl plišana majica/bluza, M veličine.