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liu jo torba fashion and friends - Serbia - Page 47

    Elegant purse
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Elegant purse

    1 000 RSD


    Elegant purse

    Polovna tasna,bez boje,ocuvana,prakticna,drvene rucke
    Shoulder bag
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag

    2 500 RSD


    Shoulder bag

    Zenske torbice lv 2500 dinr
    Shoulder bag
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag

    2 500 RSD


    Shoulder bag

    Zenske torbice lv 2500 dinra
    Shoulder bag
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag

    2 500 RSD


    Shoulder bag

    Torbice zenske lv 2500 dinr
    Michael Kors
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Michael Kors

    130 EUR


    Michael Kors

    Nove original Michael Kors tašne bez zamena može Lično preuzimanje.
    Shoulder bag, Michael Kors
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag, Michael Kors
    140 EUR

    130 EUR


    Shoulder bag, Michael Kors

    Nove original Michael Kors tašne bez zamena može Lično preuzimanje.
    Shoulder bag, Michael Kors
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag, Michael Kors
    140 EUR

    130 EUR


    Shoulder bag, Michael Kors

    Nove original Michael Kors bez zamena može lično preuzimanje.
    Shoulder bag, Michael Kors
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag, Michael Kors
    140 EUR

    130 EUR


    Shoulder bag, Michael Kors

    Nove original Michael Kors tašne može Lično preuzimanje bez zamena.
    Coccinelle, Material: Leather
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Coccinelle, Material: Leather

    130 EUR


    Coccinelle, Material: Leather

    Nove original COCCINELLE tašne kožne,boja je između braon i bordo,može lično preuzimanje i bez zamena.
    Elegant purse
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Elegant purse

    1 000 RSD


    Elegant purse

    4 torbe, tačnije tri torbe i neseser. Crna torba sa bodljama sa strane, nosi se oko zgloba ili u ruci. 31 cm je sirina. Maslinasto zelena torba sa kristalima sa strane, nosi se u ruci ili na ramenu...
    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    450 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    Kozna torbica funbag snizenaaa moderna kvalitetna torba kupljena u Italiji. Ocuvana. Ima malecnu neprimetnu ogrebotinu 1mm sa zadnje strane. Duzina 16, visina 17, debljina 6,5. Koza
    Shoulder bag
    liu jo torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag

    20 000 RSD


    Shoulder bag

    Tods vrhunska kožna torba - original Skupocena torba renomiranog brenda Tods. Na sajtu možete proveriti cene ovih torbi koje su oko 1000 evra. Torba je u stanju kao nova. Izrađena od najmekše jagnj...


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