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fashion and friends guess torbe - Serbia - Page 3

    Shoulder bag, PS Fashion
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, PS Fashion

    1 990 RSD


    Shoulder bag, PS Fashion

    Krem torba dimenzija otprilike 25cm x 18cm. Može se nositi u ruci ili preko ramena.
    Shoulder bag, Guess
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess

    3 000 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Guess

    Guess torbica, koriscena je i ima sitno ostecenja na kaisu u delu kod samih alki na pocetku kaisa, vidi se na poslednjoj slici. Ostalo sve je u dobrom stanju . Moze da se tako nosi posto nije upadl...
    Shoulder bag, Guess, Material: Faux leather
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess, Material: Faux leather

    6 000 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Guess, Material: Faux leather

    Guess original torbica Svetlo bež boja Sa dva kaisa i dust bag-om Unutra vise malih dzepcica, spolja jedan dzep za telefon. Odlicna.
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Guess

    6 000 RSD



    Guess torbica original
    Shoulder bag, Guess
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess
    4 500 RSD

    4 000 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Guess

    Guess, torbica kupljena u F&F, na slikama se vidi gde je oguljena
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Guess
    3 000 RSD

    2 500 RSD

    Fashion backpacks


    GUESS zenski ranac icuvan neostecen kao nov
    Shoulder bag, Guess
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess



    Shoulder bag, Guess

    GUESS srebrna torbica sa dve pregrade. Novo
    Shoulder bag, Guess
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess



    Shoulder bag, Guess

    Zenske tašne original, s leva na desno Liu Jo je prodata Guess Parfois Laura Ashley' ..


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