L (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, With the straps2 500 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, With the strapsPotpuno nova, svečana haljina, od teške likre koja divno pada.Korpe su ojačane,ispod grudi ima deo od kože koji se vezuje na leđima. Vel L/XL,fantastično stoji,skupo plaćena...
C&A M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Evening, With the straps1 499 RSDDressesC&A M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Evening, With the strapsPrelepa haljina bordo crna kombinacija, napred ima šljokice, pozadi se zakopčava. Vel M/L, ima elastina i rasteže se.
S (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, With the straps700 RSD500 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, With the strapsHaljina S vel Pazuh po 36 tegli do 46 Duzina 58
S (EU 36), color - Black, Evening, With the straps2 200 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Black, Evening, With the strapsHaljine Cena 2200 Uni vel V/17
M (EU 38), color - Pink, Evening, With the straps1 200 RSD900 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Pink, Evening, With the strapsDuga haljina, uni velicina. Elegantna, nova, savrsena, extra..
One size, color - Yellow, Evening, With the straps1 300 RSD1 200 RSDDressesOne size, color - Yellow, Evening, With the strapsHaljine , duge, novo ,savrsene Univerzalna vel ,.
One size, color - Beige, Evening, With the straps1 350 RSDDressesOne size, color - Beige, Evening, With the strapsHaljine, novo Boja bež ,moderno,ekstra , s , m ..
One size, color - Pink, Cocktail, With the straps1 300 RSDDressesOne size, color - Pink, Cocktail, With the strapsHaljine , novo ,odlicne , moderne ,jos par komada m,l. ,.
S (EU 36), color - Black, Other style, With the straps600 RSD500 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Black, Other style, With the strapsNova mala crna haljina,S veličina,u predelu grudi ima umetke pa se moze nositi bez grudnjaka. Jednom obučena, kao nova..
S (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, With the straps800 RSD500 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, With the strapsLOAVIES haljina S, m Kao nova Pazuh po 38-46
H&M XS (EU 34), color - Multicolored, Evening, With the straps800 RSD500 RSDDressesH&M XS (EU 34), color - Multicolored, Evening, With the strapsH&M haljina xs, s Nova bez etikete
S (EU 36), color - Pink, Other style, With the straps800 RSD500 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Pink, Other style, With the strapsMagic NIGHT Svecana Haljina vel S Naznaceno xs ali je za S Pazuh po 39
One size, color - Yellow, Evening, With the straps900 RSD700 RSDDressesOne size, color - Yellow, Evening, With the strapsTotalna rasprodaja! Haljine, novo ☆ kvalitetne. duge elegantne
L (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, With the straps1 200 RSD800 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, With the strapsJakesHaljina L vel nova Pazuh po 43-45
One size, Cocktail, With the straps900 RSDDressesOne size, Cocktail, With the strapsHaljina nova, , Moderna boja i dezen Ima elastina,odlicna, stoji savrseno, za sve prilike ,
One size, color - Beige, Evening, With the straps1 350 RSD950 RSDDressesOne size, color - Beige, Evening, With the strapsHaljine nove duge Unic,lagane, moderne ,
L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the straps400 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the strapsIzuzetno prijatna letnja haljina,par puta obucena,bez ostecenja,u gornjem delu ima lastis pa je rastegljiva
M (EU 38), color - White, Other style, With the straps1 200 RSD1 000 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - White, Other style, With the strapsNova presavršenog kvaliteta atraktivan model
M (EU 38), Single-colored, color - Grey850 RSDWomen's SweatshirtsM (EU 38), Single-colored, color - GreyHaljina dukser savrsena