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iv ice haljine cene - Novi Sad - Page 8

    M (EU 38), color - Beige, Cocktail, Long sleeves
    iv ice haljine cene: M (EU 38), color - Beige, Cocktail, Long sleeves

    1 500 RSD


    M (EU 38), color - Beige, Cocktail, Long sleeves

    RELIGION HALJINA Fantastična haljina na preklop, bež boje. Naznačena veličina: S/10/38 Nema etikete sa sastavom materijala, ali rekla bih da je u pitanju viskoza. Dužina 97cm širina u ramenima 39cm...
    M (EU 38), color - Purple, Evening, Without sleeves
    iv ice haljine cene: M (EU 38), color - Purple, Evening, Without sleeves
    800 RSD

    790 RSD


    M (EU 38), color - Purple, Evening, Without sleeves

    DUGA, UZANA HALJINA Ručno šivena haljina koja odgovara nekoj M veličini. Jednostavan kroj, sa dubokim šlicem nazad. Jorgovan boje, materijal svojim izgledom podseća na tanak skaj. Dužina 134cm šir...
    XS (EU 34), color - Blue, Cocktail, Without sleeves
    iv ice haljine cene: XS (EU 34), color - Blue, Cocktail, Without sleeves
    500 RSD

    490 RSD


    XS (EU 34), color - Blue, Cocktail, Without sleeves

    TEKSAS HALJINA Dugačka teksas haljina sa golim leđima i dubokim šlicem napred. Veličina 34 100% pamuk. Dužina 126cm širina u grudima 37cm struk 35cm kukovi 43cm
    Only S (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, Short sleeves
    iv ice haljine cene: Only S (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, Short sleeves

    500 RSD


    Only S (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, Short sleeves

    ONLY nova sa etiketom. Nova damska haljina. Ima postavu, preko je cipka. Ispod pazuha ima rajfeslus. Donji deo je leprsav. Veličina 36/S. Mere: Ramena poluobim 37cm Grudi poluobim 42cm...
    7Arrows M (EU 38), color - White, Other style, With the straps
    iv ice haljine cene: 7Arrows M (EU 38), color - White, Other style, With the straps

    800 RSD


    7Arrows M (EU 38), color - White, Other style, With the straps

    Dugacka haljina Izuzetno prijatan materijal, postava takodje. Bele boje sa ljubicastim dezenom. Sa strane ima rajfeslus. Lepo pada i prakticna je. Bratele se podešavaju. Mere: Grudi po...
    Missi London M (EU 38), color - Pink, Cocktail, With the straps
    iv ice haljine cene: Missi London M (EU 38), color - Pink, Cocktail, With the straps

    999 RSD


    Missi London M (EU 38), color - Pink, Cocktail, With the straps

    Rasprodaja cici london brendirana haljina (svajcarska) cici london brendirana haljina. Jednom obucena. Prelepa kragna, prelep moderan model. Broj: m material: 100% polyester sirina u ramenima: 40c...
    H&M L (EU 40), color - Black, Oversize, Short sleeves
    iv ice haljine cene: H&M L (EU 40), color - Black, Oversize, Short sleeves
    499 RSD

    399 RSD


    H&M L (EU 40), color - Black, Oversize, Short sleeves

    H&M haljina (Svajcarska) H&M haljina. Broj: 40 material: pamuk sirina u ramenima: 38cm sirina od pazuha do pazuha: 51cm duzina: 100cm sirina u struku: 44cm tegli se KUPOVINOM PREKO 3000 GRATIS PO...
    7Arrows S (EU 36), color - Black, Evening, With the straps
    iv ice haljine cene: 7Arrows S (EU 36), color - Black, Evening, With the straps

    850 RSD


    7Arrows S (EU 36), color - Black, Evening, With the straps

    Dugacka slip haljina Uska do ispod grudi i odatle se tek tek siri diskretno. Ispod pazuha ima rajfeslus ne vidi se. Od dve vrste materijala, ispod je saten a preko crni poluprovidni. Mere: Gr...
    Zara S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves
    iv ice haljine cene: Zara S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves

    800 RSD


    Zara S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves

    ZARA Haljina Apsolutno kao nova. Boja bordo sa crnim i belim dezenom. Gore je uska i od ispod grudi se širi. Veličina piše M, ali je manja za broj, tako da odgovara za S. Vodite se meram...
    Zara XS (EU 34), color - Black, Cocktail, Short sleeves
    iv ice haljine cene: Zara XS (EU 34), color - Black, Cocktail, Short sleeves

    550 RSD


    Zara XS (EU 34), color - Black, Cocktail, Short sleeves

    Zara haljina uska sa elastinom, aktuelni model. Veličina xs. Model zahvalan, moze da se nosi elegantnije ili kezual svakodnevno na ravno. Mere: ramena poluobim 36cm grudi poluobim 39cm du...
    XL (EU 42), color - Grey, Evening, With the straps
    iv ice haljine cene: XL (EU 42), color - Grey, Evening, With the straps

    499 RSD


    XL (EU 42), color - Grey, Evening, With the straps

    Rasprodaja drykorn for beautiful people haljina (svajca drykorn for beautiful people haljina broj: xl material: 100%pamuk sirina u ramenima: 32cm sirina od pazuha do pazuha: 53cm duzina: 11...
    Adl M (EU 38), color - Red, Evening, With the straps
    iv ice haljine cene: Adl M (EU 38), color - Red, Evening, With the straps

    800 RSD


    Adl M (EU 38), color - Red, Evening, With the straps

    Crvena uska nabrana haljina sa dekolteom valovitim. Veličina M. Dosta je rastegljiva. Mere: ramena poluobim 38cm grudi poluobim 44/45cm dužina 93cm bez razmene.
    S (EU 36), color - White, Evening, Without sleeves
    iv ice haljine cene: S (EU 36), color - White, Evening, Without sleeves

    2 499 RSD


    S (EU 36), color - White, Evening, Without sleeves

    HALJINA LEOPARD DEZEN Fantastična, dugačka, svečana haljina u osnovi bele boje, sa leopard printom. Postavljena, sa gumiranim strukom. Bez ijedne jedine mane, prelepa. Veličina S 100% poliester. Du...


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