GUESS - Farmerice Guess, vrlo malo nošene. U odličnom stanju. Veličina2 500 RSDJeansGUESS - Farmerice Guess, vrlo malo nošene. U odličnom stanju. VeličinaGUESS - Farmerice Guess, vrlo malo nošene. U odličnom stanju. Veličina L. MERE dužina 100 poluobim struka 40 kukovi 50 butina 26
M (EU 38), Wool, Casual cut1 500 RSDWomen's Sweaters, CardigansM (EU 38), Wool, Casual cutGUESS fenomenalan džemper od mešavine materijala: vuna, moher, poliamid, poliester; prošaran metaliziranim koncem. Veoma lagan, a topao i prijatan. Stanje: veoma dobro. Veličina M. MERE: dužina 67 ...
Terranova M (EU 38), color - Grey, Everyday dress, Short sleeves1 000 RSDDressesTerranova M (EU 38), color - Grey, Everyday dress, Short sleevesHaljina - Terranova
L (EU 40), M (EU 38), Dress, Single-colored1 800 RSDWomen's Sweaters, CardigansL (EU 40), M (EU 38), Dress, Single-coloredHaljinica,moze kao dzemper tunika.Rastegljiva cela.Odgovara od M do xl.Moze kao strukirana i kao ravna.Duzina 94cm
7Arrows S (EU 36), M (EU 38), L (EU 40), color - Blue, Other style, Long sleeves2 500 RSD1 800 RSDDresses7Arrows S (EU 36), M (EU 38), L (EU 40), color - Blue, Other style, Long sleevesPlisana haljina
Color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleevesNegotiableDressesColor - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleevesPrsluci, haljine
Zara S (EU 36), color - Blue, Oversize, Long sleeves1 000 RSDDressesZara S (EU 36), color - Blue, Oversize, Long sleevesZARA Haljina S 1000 din
Lucy Co 2XL (EU 44), color - Multicolored, Other style, Other sleeves2 000 RSDDressesLucy Co 2XL (EU 44), color - Multicolored, Other style, Other sleevesHaljina xxl
M (EU 38), L (EU 40), XL (EU 42), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleeves2 700 RSDDressesM (EU 38), L (EU 40), XL (EU 42), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleevesItalijanska tamno siva haljina. Stanje: odlično.
Zara M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Evening, With the straps2 500 RSDDressesZara M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Evening, With the strapsZara haljina M velicina
7Arrows M (EU 38), color - Green, Cocktail, With the straps2 300 RSDDresses7Arrows M (EU 38), color - Green, Cocktail, With the strapsElegantna rastegljiva haljina,M/L
XL (EU 42), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves2 500 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleevesMidi haljina sa kaišem, ima slic xl
XL (EU 42), M (EU 38), L (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, With the straps2 300 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), M (EU 38), L (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, With the strapsCela rastegljiva duga haljina uz telo
L (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, Short sleeves600 RSD500 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, Short sleevesSniženo ! Haljina vl .40 lil l
7Arrows XL (EU 42), color - Black, Evening, Short sleeves2 500 RSDDresses7Arrows XL (EU 42), color - Black, Evening, Short sleevesCrna haljina
2XL (EU 44), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleeves1 600 RSDDresses2XL (EU 44), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleevesPrelepa džemper haljina S Oliver. Veličina 44.
M (EU 38), L (EU 40), Dress, Single-colored, Embroidery1 800 RSD1 500 RSDWomen's Sweaters, CardigansM (EU 38), L (EU 40), Dress, Single-colored, EmbroideryKrem boja rastegljiva moze kao haljinica ili kao tunika,odgovara i L broju
One size, color - Burgundy, Other style, Long sleeves3 000 RSDDressesOne size, color - Burgundy, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina (kaftan) Jednom sam nosila samo Uni je
Haljina je šivena, nije obucena ni jednom, ima slic2 000 RSDDressesHaljina je šivena, nije obucena ni jednom, ima slicHaljina je šivena, nije obucena ni jednom, ima slic
XL (EU 42), color - Brown, Other style, Long sleeves2 400 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), color - Brown, Other style, Long sleevesElegantna haljina rastegljiva topla