L (EU 40), color - Blue, Evening, With the straps4 000 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Blue, Evening, With the strapsKao nova,jednom obucena za apsolventsko vece.Velicina 40(M-L).Deo izmedju grudi i struka je providan isto kao i iznad grudi-prikazano na slici. Bez mana i ostecenja.
S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the straps500 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the strapsOcuvana haljinica bez ostecenja. Velicina S-M.
M (EU 38), color - Red, Other style, Short sleeves750 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Red, Other style, Short sleevesMaksi haljina, 38 NOVO sa etiketom Duzina 132cm Sirina (poluobim grudi): 48 cm
Balani L (EU 40), Evening, Without sleeves600 RSDDressesBalani L (EU 40), Evening, Without sleevesKarirana košulja, haljina Veličina L Bez oštećenja
Angelina S (EU 36), color - Black, Evening, With the straps1 200 RSDDressesAngelina S (EU 36), color - Black, Evening, With the strapsKao nova svecana haljina sa sljokicama. S velicina
M (EU 38), Single-colored, color - Green900 RSDWomen's SweatshirtsM (EU 38), Single-colored, color - GreenNeon crop duks,ocuvan bez ostecenja. Velicina odgovara S,M,L.
Gardi, M (EU 38), With lining, Fur2 500 RSD2 000 RSDWinter jacketsGardi, M (EU 38), With lining, FurM bunda
XS (EU 34), Buckle, Single-colored600 RSD500 RSDWomen's Sweaters, CardigansXS (EU 34), Buckle, Single-coloredDzemper xs Jedanput koriscen, nov Bez ostecenja Preuzimanje licno sa adrese ili slanje postekspresom nakon uplate na racun ili postnet
S (EU 36), Viscose, Casual cut, Single-colored999 RSDWomen's Sweaters, CardigansS (EU 36), Viscose, Casual cut, Single-coloredPrelepi beli dzemperic sa cirkonima - bluza, vel S/M, rasteze se, kao nova, na nalogu imam puno garderobe za dame
S (EU 36), Cotton, color - Light blue, Single-colored950 RSDShorts, BritchesS (EU 36), Cotton, color - Light blue, Single-coloredNovo! Sa etiketom! Alcott Denim Šorts, 36, visoki struk, široke nogavice.
Guess, XS (EU 34), Cotton, color - Grey1 499 RSDShortsleevesGuess, XS (EU 34), Cotton, color - GreyGUESS original majica, vel xs, ali siri model, kao nova..imam puno markirane garderobe za dame na nalogu..
Elegant purse, Mona, Material: Patent leather3 000 RSDHandbagsElegant purse, Mona, Material: Patent leatherMona kožna tašnica izrađena u malim primjercima u čast teniserke Jelene Janković.
Men's bag, Material: Canvas2 400 RSD2 000 RSDHandbagsMen's bag, Material: CanvasGlanc nova. Licno preuzimanje ili slanje nakon uplate. Dimenzije: 22.5x18x8cm 2000 din FIXNO!
S (EU 36), Plaid, With lining2 499 RSDWomen's CoatsS (EU 36), Plaid, With liningNOVO zimski kaput, jako kvalitetan, topao,vel S, marke Access. Imam puno garderobe na nalogu na prodaji
Escada S (EU 36), Other style, With the straps1 500 RSDDressesEscada S (EU 36), Other style, With the strapsEsprit haljina S veličina Kao nova. Boja tamno ljubičasta. .... .... .... .... .....
Exclusive, L (EU 40), Single-colored, With lining, Fur6 500 RSDWinter jacketsExclusive, L (EU 40), Single-colored, With lining, FurNenosena,iz Svajcarske,L,prelepa