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Women's T-shirts and tops - Kraljevo

    3XL (EU 46), Viscose, color - Black
    Women's T-shirts and tops: 3XL (EU 46), Viscose, color - Black

    500 RSD


    3XL (EU 46), Viscose, color - Black

    Majca nova zenska. Obim grudi..Do 100 i vise zbog elastina..Duz..74. Sa tilom u zadnjem delu ramena i naramenicama.
    L (EU 40), Single-colored, color - Milky-white
    Women's T-shirts and tops: L (EU 40), Single-colored, color - Milky-white

    700 RSD

    Tank tops

    L (EU 40), Single-colored, color - Milky-white

    Majca,tunika nova zenska postavljena..nezno krem boje..obim grudi do 100..duzina bratela 10cm..cela tunika...85cm...pada na gloh.....


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