XL (EU 42), Single-colored, color - Multicolored5 000 RSD4 000 RSDLongsleevesXL (EU 42), Single-colored, color - MulticoloredPaket garderobe za zene L/XL Sce je maksimalno ocuvano. 3 dzempera 1 krzneni prsluk 2 para helanki 1 kosulja 1 haljina 1 sako Vrednost ovog paketa je mnogo veca nego sto mu je realna cena.
XL (EU 42), color - Lilac, Other style, Long sleeves1 400 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), color - Lilac, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina vel. XL u super stanju.
L (EU 40), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleeves1 300 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina vel.L u dobrom stanju.
Zarina XL (EU 42), Other style, Other sleeves3 000 RSDDressesZarina XL (EU 42), Other style, Other sleevesNove Brendirane stvari
M (EU 38), color - Blue, Other style, Long sleeves1 000 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Blue, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina vel. M u novom stanju.
S (EU 36), color - Lilac, Other style, Long sleeves800 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Lilac, Other style, Long sleevesPlisana haljina vel.S u super stanju.
M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves1 400 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina vel. M u super stanju.
M (EU 38), color - Brown, Other style, Long sleeves1 300 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Brown, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina vel M u dobrom stanju.
M (EU 38), color - Brown, Other style, Long sleeves1 400 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Brown, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina vel. M u novom stanju.
Givova L (EU 40), Other style, Other sleeves3 000 RSDDressesGivova L (EU 40), Other style, Other sleevesBrendovi ....Zara Kaput u L veličini. Shuter haljina u L veličini. 2.000. Kombinezon u xl-u. 2.000. Haljina Boohoo u xl-u 3.000
M (EU 38), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleeves900 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Grey, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina ža proleće vel.L u super stanju.
M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves1 500 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina vel. M u super stanju.
XL (EU 42), color - White, Cocktail, With the straps1 000 RSD750 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), color - White, Cocktail, With the strapsHaljina na tufne. Koriscena jednom.
XL (EU 42), Other style, Long sleeves1 000 RSD750 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), Other style, Long sleevesZimska haljina XL. Nosena jednom.
S (EU 36), Cotton, color - Multicolored1 250 RSD1 200 RSDShortsleevesS (EU 36), Cotton, color - MulticoloredPaket pamucnih majica -4 kom. vel S u super stanju