XS (EU 34), Midi, color - Beige5 800 RSD5 500 RSDSkirtsXS (EU 34), Midi, color - BeigeZARA prelepa svečana suknja 2414/167/710. Dugacka do pola lista, bež boje, sa cirkonima i biserima - perlama, svuda po njoj. Pozadi dubok šlic. piše XS ali znatno komotnija, po meni pre za S odgova...
Other style, Other sleeves2 500 RSDDressesOther style, Other sleevesHaljina 2xl. Grudi 113-119cm Struk 98-104cm Kukovi 123-129cm Duzina 100cm
M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Without sleeves4 000 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Without sleevesElipsa haljina 38, M. Jednom nošena na rodjendanu. 4000rsd
M (EU 38), color - Red, Evening, Short sleeves80 EUR70 EURDressesM (EU 38), color - Red, Evening, Short sleevesSvečana haljina, nošena jednom, veličina 38.
M (EU 38), color - White, Evening, Other sleeves8 000 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - White, Evening, Other sleevesSivena haljina bele boje sa cirkonima, duzina cele haljine 70 polu obim 34.
M (EU 38), color - White, Other style, Short sleeves850 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - White, Other style, Short sleevesHaljina M/L do kolena dužina
Guess S (EU 36), color - Red, Cocktail, Other sleeves3 000 RSDDressesGuess S (EU 36), color - Red, Cocktail, Other sleevesGuess haljina, polovna, bivša manekenka koja je gomilala stvari.
L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves1 000 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleevesHaljina sarena, idealno ide uz telo, Nije nosena, samo je oprana.
Tom Tailor, M (EU 38), L (EU 40), Single-colored, With lining, Feathers2 500 RSDWinter jacketsTom Tailor, M (EU 38), L (EU 40), Single-colored, With lining, FeathersTom T. Perjana jakna duga, topla i nije glomazna. Ima kapuljaču. M i L moze
M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves400 RSD350 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleevesHaljina tunika. Odgovara za M i L
M (EU 38), color - Blue, Oversize, Short sleeves700 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Blue, Oversize, Short sleevesHaljina leprsava 38 M karneri
PS Fashion S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the straps1 300 RSDDressesPS Fashion S (EU 36), color - Multicolored, Other style, With the strapsSlip haljina P...S... Fashion, veličine 36
S (EU 36), color - Purple, Cocktail, With the straps850 RSD800 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Purple, Cocktail, With the strapsSatenska haljina balon 38 velicina novaaa
Glamorous M (EU 38), color - Burgundy, Evening, Short sleeves15 000 RSDDressesGlamorous M (EU 38), color - Burgundy, Evening, Short sleevesSvecana haljina vencanica rucno sivena broj 38 haljina je pozadi na pertlanje cena je fiksna.
Color - Black, Cocktail, Other sleeves500 RSD400 RSDDressesColor - Black, Cocktail, Other sleevesHaljina, tunika sirina grudi 43cm poluobim struka 38cm duzina 87cm Ima elastina , odlicna,.
S (EU 36), color - Blue, Other style, Other sleeves90 EURDressesS (EU 36), color - Blue, Other style, Other sleevesHaljina po meri neka velicina S Moja visina 164 cm
Elegant One size, color - Blue, Evening, With the straps3 000 RSDDressesElegant One size, color - Blue, Evening, With the strapsPrelepa kraljevsko plava haljina koja moze da se nosi na vise nacina