fb pixelPage 81. farmerke fashion and friends: Belgrade ᐈ Women's Clothing ▷ 2507 ads ➤ lalafo.rs

farmerke fashion and friends - Belgrade - Page 81

    S (EU 36)
    farmerke fashion and friends: S (EU 36)

    600 RSD


    S (EU 36)

    Kosulje novo,odlicne, moderne , lagane,zenske,
    S (EU 36), color - White
    farmerke fashion and friends: S (EU 36), color - White

    2 000 RSD


    S (EU 36), color - White

    Bluza premekana pamuk trikotaža Extra model i kvalitet VEL S M
    M (EU 38), Lycra, Single-colored
    farmerke fashion and friends: M (EU 38), Lycra, Single-colored

    800 RSD

    Leggings, Bike shorts

    M (EU 38), Lycra, Single-colored

    Helanke imitacija teksasa Super model i kvalitet uvoz Turska Vel M L Xl
    Aurora Firenze, S (EU 36), Cotton, color - White
    farmerke fashion and friends: Aurora Firenze, S (EU 36), Cotton, color - White

    1 299 RSD


    Aurora Firenze, S (EU 36), Cotton, color - White

    Bela duža košulja, pozadi sa faltom u donjem delu, fazonski model. Pise smile and be you. Napred takodje smile. Crne zvezdice su svuda po njoj. Pise M, ali je pre S. Na ledjima medju zvezdicama ima...
    Zara, L (EU 40), Cotton, Plaid, color - Black
    farmerke fashion and friends: Zara, L (EU 40), Cotton, Plaid, color - Black

    850 RSD


    Zara, L (EU 40), Cotton, Plaid, color - Black

    ZARA kosulja sa perlama i biserima u teget boji sa blagim linijama. Veličina 40/L. Materijal: 100% Coton. Mere: Ramena poluobim 40cm Grudi poluobim 53cm ne ide uz telo Dužina 74cm Rukav 63cm...
    M (EU 38), Viscose, Single-colored, color - Khaki
    farmerke fashion and friends: M (EU 38), Viscose, Single-colored, color - Khaki
    1 100 RSD

    999 RSD


    M (EU 38), Viscose, Single-colored, color - Khaki

    Onix maslinasto zelena tunika Dimenzije: Ramena 41,5cm Grudi 46cm Lastis ispod grudi 30-55cm Struk 33-59cm Duzina rukava 52 cm Duzina 75 cm Rasteze se dodatno 7-8 cm Vel.38 92% viskoza 8% elastin ...
    Color - Black
    farmerke fashion and friends: Color - Black
    1 300 RSD

    1 200 RSD

    Leggings, Bike shorts

    Color - Black

    Kozne helanke nove deblje Poluobim struka 25 cm,postavljene,
    L (EU 40), color - Black
    farmerke fashion and friends: L (EU 40), color - Black

    1 000 RSD

    Leggings, Bike shorts

    L (EU 40), color - Black

    Nove plišane helanke, L veličine, tegljive.
    4XL (EU 48)
    farmerke fashion and friends: 4XL (EU 48)

    1 300 RSD


    4XL (EU 48)

    Nova prelepa svečana bluza, ukrašena čipkom biserima i cirkončićima, veličine 48.


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