H&M S (EU 36), color - Beige, Other style, Long sleeves990 RSDDressesH&M S (EU 36), color - Beige, Other style, Long sleevesBež H&M haljina S haljina kao nova, mešavina viskoze i poliester. od pazuha do pazuha 46cm poluobim u struku 36cm dužina haljine 90cm dužina rukava 60cm
L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Other sleeves1 000 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Other sleevesHaljina,naznačen M ali je L
L (EU 40), color - Beige, Evening, Long sleeves500 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Beige, Evening, Long sleevesHaljina svecana L ima flekice sitne pri dnu
XL (EU 42), Other style, Other sleeves3 800 RSDDressesXL (EU 42), Other style, Other sleevesSavrsena glamurozna haljina Cena: 3.800 dinara Materijal: saten
One size, color - Beige, Other style, Long sleeves1 500 RSD1 000 RSDDressesOne size, color - Beige, Other style, Long sleevesTrikotažna haljina, univerzalna veličina komotna, jednom nošena, bež/drap boja
One size, Evening, Other sleeves3 000 RSDDressesOne size, Evening, Other sleevesHaljine Najlepši model 3.000 dinara
Other style, Other sleeves2 250 RSDDressesOther style, Other sleevesHaljina: 2.250 dinara 2 kom=3.300 dinara
M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Other sleeves700 RSD600 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Other sleevesHaljina Odgovara za M i L,..
M (EU 38), color - White, Other style, Short sleeves2 000 RSD1 500 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - White, Other style, Short sleevesPrelepa bela haljina, M veličine.
Haljina teksas veličina 38. Poluobim grudi 44/49, poluobim struka750 RSDDressesHaljina teksas veličina 38. Poluobim grudi 44/49, poluobim strukaHaljina teksas veličina 38. Poluobim grudi 44/49, poluobim struka 40/42, duzina 104.
Guess XS (EU 34), color - Red, Cocktail, With the straps3 000 RSDDressesGuess XS (EU 34), color - Red, Cocktail, With the strapsOriginal GUESS bodycon crvena haljina, XS veličine.
Adamo M (EU 38), color - Black, Oversize, Long sleeves1 700 RSDDressesAdamo M (EU 38), color - Black, Oversize, Long sleevesHaljina 38 brend inperijal.Savrsena .. Bas za ovo vreme ,materijal deblji..
One size, color - Red, Oversize, With the straps1 000 RSDDressesOne size, color - Red, Oversize, With the strapsPrelepa crvena haljina, veličina s-m ali zbog elastina može i L
L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleeves300 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Long sleevesHaljina tunika malo koriscena odgovara manjim velicinama pise L/XL
Balenciaga 6XL (EU 52), color - Beige, Oversize, Long sleeves2 000 RSDDressesBalenciaga 6XL (EU 52), color - Beige, Oversize, Long sleevesXl haljina imam i salonke 39 broj
7Arrows M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Oversize, Long sleeves350 RSDDresses7Arrows M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Oversize, Long sleevesTigrasta bigo haljina. Veličina M.
M (EU 38), color - White, Other style, Short sleeves850 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - White, Other style, Short sleevesHaljina M/L do kolena dužina
Zara M (EU 38), color - Khaki, Cocktail, Long sleeves1 499 RSDDressesZara M (EU 38), color - Khaki, Cocktail, Long sleevesZara sljokicava haljina. M velicina, odlicna
M (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves400 RSD350 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleevesHaljina tunika. Odgovara za M i L
M (EU 38), color - Blue, Oversize, Short sleeves700 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Blue, Oversize, Short sleevesHaljina leprsava 38 M karneri