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furla torba fashion and friends - Belgrade - Page 8

    Elegant purse, Material: Leather
    furla torba fashion and friends: Elegant purse, Material: Leather
    2 500 RSD

    2 300 RSD


    Elegant purse, Material: Leather

    Kozna tasna od prave kože, kombinacija sa kroko kožom, izuzetno elegantna posebno za poslovne žene, unikat, ima kaiš koji se skida, lepa braon boja. Dimenzije visina 27 cm. širina 37 cm. Dubina 7 cm.
    Shoulder bag, David Jones, Material: Leather
    furla torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag, David Jones, Material: Leather
    3 000 RSD

    2 500 RSD


    Shoulder bag, David Jones, Material: Leather

    David Jones torba Kao nova, bez tragova koriscenja Moze da stane dosta, ima i kais za rame Moze licno preuzimanje u Beogradu ili slanje kurirskom službom
    Shoulder bag
    furla torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag
    3 900 RSD

    2 800 RSD


    Shoulder bag

    Nova tašna Uvoz Italija Predivna
    Shoulder bag
    furla torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag
    1 500 RSD

    1 000 RSD


    Shoulder bag

    Tašna malo nošena Kroko dezen
    Travel bag, color - Black
    furla torba fashion and friends: Travel bag, color - Black

    1 500 RSD

    Travel suitcases and bags

    Travel bag, color - Black

    Torba za ručni prtljag, cvrstog materijala, Delsey, duzina dna torbe 30 cm, sirina 20 cm, visina 22cm.
    furla torba fashion and friends: Prada

    3 000 RSD



    Prada ✨ Novi model torbe ✨ Dim. 18x12 Cena 3000 din
    furla torba fashion and friends: Mona

    3 800 RSD



    Ponovo dostupne u vise boja ✨ Cena 3800 din
    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather
    furla torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    2 999 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Material: Leather

    **** Zenska kozna tasna - MONA **** Malo nosena, bez ostecenja. Dimenzije: visina: 23cm. duzina: 38cm. duzina celog kaisa: 90cm.
    Guess, Material: Leather
    furla torba fashion and friends: Guess, Material: Leather
    4 000 RSD

    3 500 RSD


    Guess, Material: Leather

    Bez torba Guess, ocuvana, kao nova. .zakopcavanje na magnet. .
    Shoulder bag
    furla torba fashion and friends: Shoulder bag

    680 RSD


    Shoulder bag

    Torbe više kom nošene par puta nove cena po komadu


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