L (EU 40), color - White, Other style, With the straps4 200 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - White, Other style, With the strapsHerve Leger model haljina Kvalitet za 10++. Uska, uz telo, bele boje. Prati liniju tela. Nisam je nikad nosila. L velicina pise. po meni s-m Sjajna za izlaske, maturu, Novu godinu..
XS (EU 34), Other style, Short sleeves1 500 RSDDressesXS (EU 34), Other style, Short sleevesHaljina brendirana trikotaža. 34 broj. Božanstvena
M (EU 38), Other style, Other sleeves500 RSDDressesM (EU 38), Other style, Other sleevesRasprodaja Haljine S-M-L
Adamo M (EU 38), color - Black, Oversize, Long sleeves1 700 RSDDressesAdamo M (EU 38), color - Black, Oversize, Long sleevesHaljina 38 brend inperijal.Savrsena .. Bas za ovo vreme ,materijal deblji..
S (EU 36), color - Green, Other style, Long sleeves1 600 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Green, Other style, Long sleevesNova predivna Viskosa Vel S M
M (EU 38), color - Blue, Other style, Other sleeves1 200 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Blue, Other style, Other sleevesPredivna sportska haljina Vel M Nova Uvoz Francuska Pamuk elastin
3XL (EU 46), color - Burgundy, Other style, Other sleeves2 400 RSDDresses3XL (EU 46), color - Burgundy, Other style, Other sleevesBig size Haljina: 2400 dinara 2xl 3xl 4xl
S (EU 36), color - Orange, Evening, Without sleeves2 000 RSD1 600 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Orange, Evening, Without sleevesNova haljina sa etiketom u s velicini, prelepa Duzina 115 Poluobim grudi 34 Poluobim struka 38
S (EU 36), Oversize, Long sleeves3 800 RSDDressesS (EU 36), Oversize, Long sleevesS m l xl od srede za slanje
Zara M (EU 38), color - Lilac, Other style, Long sleeves1 700 RSDDressesZara M (EU 38), color - Lilac, Other style, Long sleevesZara pamucna haljina, m velicina
Haljina teksas veličina 38. Poluobim grudi 44/49, poluobim struka750 RSDDressesHaljina teksas veličina 38. Poluobim grudi 44/49, poluobim strukaHaljina teksas veličina 38. Poluobim grudi 44/49, poluobim struka 40/42, duzina 104.
M (EU 38), Cocktail, With the straps2 000 RSDDressesM (EU 38), Cocktail, With the strapsHaljina plavo zelena. Jednom obučena za svečanu priliku.
Zara L (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, With the straps2 500 RSD2 200 RSDDressesZara L (EU 40), color - Black, Evening, With the strapsRebrasta pamučna haljina
S (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, With the straps2 800 RSD1 800 RSDDressesS (EU 36), color - Black, Cocktail, With the strapsNova Extra haljina Vel S Uvoz Francuska
H&M S (EU 36), color - Red, Evening, Long sleeves850 RSD700 RSDDressesH&M S (EU 36), color - Red, Evening, Long sleevesH&M haljina vel.S Kao nova h&m crvena cipkana haljina vel.S. Postavljena Ramena 40,duzina 82cm. Sa puno elastina.
L (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleeves850 RSDDressesL (EU 40), color - Multicolored, Other style, Short sleevesHaljina M\L
M (EU 38), Cocktail, With the straps2 500 RSDDressesM (EU 38), Cocktail, With the strapsŽenska svečana haljina. Broj 38, jednom nošena. Boja: prljavo roze.
M (EU 38), color - Green, Other style, Short sleeves680 RSDDressesM (EU 38), color - Green, Other style, Short sleevesHaljina M maslinasto zelena
Benetton One size, color - Multicolored, Oversize, Long sleeves1 300 RSDDressesBenetton One size, color - Multicolored, Oversize, Long sleevesSatenska haljina srednje dužine