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fashion and friends guess torbe - Belgrade

    Shoulder bag, Calvin Klein
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Calvin Klein

    8 500 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Calvin Klein

    Nova orginal Calvin Klein torbica Bez ostecenja Meka koza ima dve pregrade Moguce licno preuzimanje u Beogradu ili slanje postom
    Guess, 36, color - White
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Guess, 36, color - White

    7 500 RSD

    Women's trainers

    Guess, 36, color - White

    Guess patike, br 36, nosene jednom, kupljene u Fashion& friendsu.
    Travel bag, Guess, color - Black
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Travel bag, Guess, color - Black

    2 990 RSD

    Travel suitcases and bags

    Travel bag, Guess, color - Black

    Reebok original putna torba. Srednje veličine. Apsolutno kao nova.
    Shoulder bag, Guess
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess
    4 000 RSD

    3 000 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Guess

    Odlična original Guess torba, dosta toga stane u nju, dimenzije su 26 cm x 34 cm x 12,5 cm. Ima samo neki blagi trag sa donje strane kao crtu. Takođe sa strana ivica ručki bio je kao gumeni sloj k...
    Shoulder bag, Tommy Hilfiger, Material: Poliuretan
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Tommy Hilfiger, Material: Poliuretan
    9 500 RSD

    7 500 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Tommy Hilfiger, Material: Poliuretan

    Prodajem Tommy Hilfinger žensku tašnu, teget boje, dimenzije 40x24x14 u odličnom stanju. Kupljena prošle godine u Fashion&Friends, nošena par puta. Lično preuzimanje u Beogradu
    Shoulder bag, Guess, Material: Poliuretan
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess, Material: Poliuretan

    5 000 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Guess, Material: Poliuretan

    GUESS pink roze tasna original torba. Sirina 24cm Visina 18cm Lanac nije promenio boju, nema ostecenja, ivice nisu izguljene perfektno je.
    Shoulder bag, Guess
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess
    3 000 RSD

    2 800 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Guess

    GUESS original torba u odličnom stanju Nema tragova nošenja Pogledajte i ostale moje oglase
    Shoulder bag, Guess
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess
    5 000 RSD

    4 000 RSD


    Shoulder bag, Guess

    Guess originala torba, kupljena u N sportu
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Guess
    4 500 RSD

    3 000 RSD

    Fashion backpacks


    Ranac Guess...prelep,prostran i prekvalitetan....1/1...NOV!!!
    Shoulder bag, Guess
    fashion and friends guess torbe: Shoulder bag, Guess



    Shoulder bag, Guess

    GUESS srebrna torbica sa dve pregrade. Novo


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