Bundle: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Jeans in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, For boys furniture, age: 18 months kid
Bundle: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Dress in bundle of kids' clothes, Leggings in bundle of kids' clothes, For girls, age: 3 years kid
Paket za devojčice od 2 i 3 godine. Postoje stvari koje nikada nisu korišćene. Skafander pantalone nikad nošene. Baletanke (obe) obučene samo jednom za slikanje u vrtiću. Čizmice Reebok vodootpor...
Bundle: Sweatshirt in bundle of kids' clothes, T-shirt in bundle of kids' clothes, Tracksuit in bundle of kids' clothes, For boys furniture, age: 9-10 years kid