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Shirts, blouses and tunics: Other color - Bajina Basta

    Cecil, L (EU 40), Cotton
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Cecil, L (EU 40), Cotton
    250 RSD

    200 RSD


    Cecil, L (EU 40), Cotton

    Cecil buza veličina L, poluobim grudi 53. Pamuk. Polovna.
    Aclima, XS (EU 34), Cotton
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Aclima, XS (EU 34), Cotton
    300 RSD

    250 RSD


    Aclima, XS (EU 34), Cotton

    Teget bluza, cipka napred. Veličina 34/36. Poluobim grudi 44.
    C&A, XL (EU 42)
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: C&A, XL (EU 42)
    400 RSD

    300 RSD


    C&A, XL (EU 42)

    Bluza CA , kao nova. Poluobim grudi 62.
    Koton, XL (EU 42), Cotton
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Koton, XL (EU 42), Cotton
    450 RSD

    400 RSD


    Koton, XL (EU 42), Cotton

    Teget bluza na kopčanje. Materijal pamuk. Iz uvoza, Koton. Poluobim grudi 55.
    Ulla Popken, 2XL (EU 44), Cotton
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Ulla Popken, 2XL (EU 44), Cotton

    400 EUR


    Ulla Popken, 2XL (EU 44), Cotton

    Ulla Popken kosulja pamucna iz uvoza velicina 54. Pazuh pazuh 66. Duzina 73. Cena 450.
    C&A, M (EU 38)
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: C&A, M (EU 38)
    400 RSD

    300 RSD


    C&A, M (EU 38)

    Bluza C&A odgovara za M/L. Nova.
    Aclima, XL (EU 42), Cotton
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Aclima, XL (EU 42), Cotton
    500 RSD

    400 RSD


    Aclima, XL (EU 42), Cotton

    Pamucna bluza iz uvoza. Odgovara za xl. Ima prugice. Markirana iz uvoza.
    SOliver, S (EU 36)
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: SOliver, S (EU 36)
    500 RSD

    400 RSD


    SOliver, S (EU 36)

    Košulja S.Oliver, velicina 36. Kvalitetna kupljena u inostranstvu kao nova. Rukavi se mogu prikaciti.
    Aclima, XL (EU 42), Viscose
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Aclima, XL (EU 42), Viscose
    600 RSD

    450 RSD


    Aclima, XL (EU 42), Viscose

    Bluza Blue Motion. Veličina 44/46, ali je poluobim grudi 58. Lagan, tanji materijal.
    H&M, L (EU 40), Cotton
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: H&M, L (EU 40), Cotton
    600 RSD

    550 RSD


    H&M, L (EU 40), Cotton

    H&M košulja, velicina L. Boja ciklama. Materijal pamuk. Kao nova.
    Flf, L (EU 40), Viscose
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Flf, L (EU 40), Viscose
    750 RSD

    550 RSD


    Flf, L (EU 40), Viscose

    Flame bluza veličina L/XL. Poluobim grudi 57, ramena 43.
    Aclima, M (EU 38)
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Aclima, M (EU 38)
    350 RSD

    250 RSD


    Aclima, M (EU 38)

    Bluza tegljiv materijal. Duzina 60,pazuh pazuh 48.
    Tchibo, S (EU 36), Cotton
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Tchibo, S (EU 36), Cotton
    450 RSD

    300 RSD


    Tchibo, S (EU 36), Cotton

    TCM kosulja. Kragna se moze skinuti. Pamuk. Veličina 36. Poluobim grudi 48, ramena 39.
    C&A, XL (EU 42), Cotton
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: C&A, XL (EU 42), Cotton

    450 RSD


    C&A, XL (EU 42), Cotton

    Zenska kosulja C&A veličina 48. Materijal pamuk. Teget boja, na tufne. Poluobim grudi 61, ramena 43, duzina 70.
    Outventure, S (EU 36), Cotton
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: Outventure, S (EU 36), Cotton
    400 RSD

    300 RSD


    Outventure, S (EU 36), Cotton

    Outfit kosulja, duza. Veličina 36. Poluobim grudi 49, ramena 37, duzina 75. Veličina 36.
    A-Dress, L (EU 40)
    Shirts, blouses and tunics: A-Dress, L (EU 40)
    500 RSD

    450 RSD


    A-Dress, L (EU 40)

    Yessica bluza veličina L. Poluobim grudi 66. Kao nova.


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