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499 RSD


The Ggreat Courses -Literature & English Language --- The Great

The Ggreat Courses -Literature & English Language ---

The Great Courses su serija audio i video kurseva na nivou fakultetu koje je proizvela i distribuirala američka kompanija The Teaching Company, sa sedištem u Chantilliju u državi Virginia. Od 2015. stvorio je preko 700 kurseva i prodao preko 14 miliona primeraka.

Predavanja drže profesori sa različitih fakulteta i jedan od uslova pri izboru predavača su nagrade i priznanja, kako od strane studenata, tako i od strane udruženja. Moto kompanije je "Koliko možete naučiti za godinu dana ukoliko svaki dan provedete 30 ili 45 minuta slušajući predavanja nekih od najboljih predavača u SAD".

U okviru svakih od ovih grupa ima manji ili veći broj kurseva. Sva predavanja, u okviru tih kurseva, traju ili 30 (češće) ili 45 (ređe) minuta, a broj predavanja u okviru nekog kursa varira od svega nekoliko do nekoliko desetina. Neki kursevi su propraćeni i Skriptom koja vam može pomoći u toku, pre ili nakon slušanja kurseva.


Na ovom DISKU možete naći sledeće kurseve:
Ancient Greek Literature
Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind
Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature
Odessy of Homer
Poetry_ A Basic Course
Representing Justice_ Stories of Law and Literature
Science Fiction - The Literature Of Technological Imagination
Shakespeare - Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies
Shakespeare - Word and Action
Story of Human Language
Swift_ Gulliver's Travels
Understanding Linguistics - The Science of Language
Understanding Literature and Life- Drama, Poetry and Narrative
Using Literature to Understand the Human Side of Medicine
Voltaire and the Triumph of Enlightenment
Ancient Greek Literature
Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind
Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature
Odessy of Homer
Poetry_ A Basic Course
Representing Justice_ Stories of Law and Literature
Science Fiction - The Literature Of Technological Imagination
Shakespeare - Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies
Shakespeare - Word and Action
Story of Human Language
Swift_ Gulliver's Travels
Understanding Linguistics - The Science of Language
Understanding Literature and Life- Drama, Poetry and Narrative
Using Literature to Understand the Human Side of Medicine
Voltaire and the Triumph of Enlightenment


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