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where to buy second hand phones near me - Serbia - Page 2

    Apple iPhone iPhone 14 Pro Max, 128 GB, Gold, Face ID
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone 14 Pro Max, 128 GB, Gold, Face ID
    740 EUR

    730 EUR

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone 14 Pro Max, 128 GB, Gold, Face ID

    IPhone 14 promax,128g,baterija 84%,stanje 10/10,bukvalno kao nov,sve orginal i nikad otvaran,lično moj telefon,kutija,punjac,maskice,zastitno staklo…
    Apple iPhone iPhone 13 Pro Max, 128 GB, Black Titanium, Face ID
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone 13 Pro Max, 128 GB, Black Titanium, Face ID

    70 000 RSD

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone 13 Pro Max, 128 GB, Black Titanium, Face ID

    Prodajem Iphone 13 Pro Max! Moguca korekcija cene. Telefon je skroz ocuvan, od prvog dana je u masci i ima zastitno staklo, nigde nema ogrebotine. Zdravlje baterije je 87% Uz telefon ide kabal od ...
    Apple iPhone iPhone SE, 64 GB, Black, Fingerprint
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone SE, 64 GB, Black, Fingerprint

    199 EUR

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone SE, 64 GB, Black, Fingerprint

    Iphone SE 2020 64GB Telefon u odlicnom stanju, brz, pouzdan, dobra kamera, pazljivo koriscen, od samog pocetka u masci, bez ikakvih ostecenja, osim male ogrebotine na ledjima koja se ni ne vidi (s...
    Apple iPhone iPhone Xr, 64 GB, Red
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone Xr, 64 GB, Red

    200 EUR

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone Xr, 64 GB, Red

    Uz njega ide kutija i punjac i 2 maskice. Na njemu vec ima zastitno staklo koje je polomljeno, telefon nigde nije polomljen. Sve radi i otkljucan je na sve mreze. Memorija 64gb. Za sve ostale infor...
    Apple iPhone iPhone 12, 128 GB
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone 12, 128 GB

    300 EUR

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone 12, 128 GB

    Prodajem tel Iphone 12 U extra stanju očuvan imam kutiju i punjac..uz njega ide i 1 zaštita za ekran! Cena 300€ nije fiksna
    Apple iPhone iPhone 11, 64 GB, Black, Wireless charger, Face ID
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone 11, 64 GB, Black, Wireless charger, Face ID

    140 EUR

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone 11, 64 GB, Black, Wireless charger, Face ID

    Iphone 11 64gb telefon je iza osecen face id radi iclud fre baterija traje skoro ceo dan koristi se zamena za x ili drugi iphone uz moju doplatu uz telefon idu 3 maskice punjac sa punjacem 150€ fiksna
    Apple iPhone iPhone 7 Plus
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone 7 Plus

    60 EUR

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone 7 Plus

    Na prodaju Iphone 7 plus u odlicnom stanju,radi bez greske Jedino sto je staklo malo naprslo sto uopste ne smeta pri radu
    Apple iPhone iPhone 12
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone 12

    290 EUR

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone 12

    Na prodaju Iphone 12 u perfektnom stanju,fabricki,nikad nije popravljan niti ima potrebe Bez ijedne ogrebotine!
    Apple iPhone iPhone 8, 32 GB, Black, Face ID
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone 8, 32 GB, Black, Face ID

    80 EUR

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone 8, 32 GB, Black, Face ID

    Prodajem iphone 8 posto sam sebi uzela drugi telefon, ispao mi dvaput kao sto se vidi na poledjini strafte ali telefon super radi, 
Icloud free
    Apple iPhone iPhone 6
    where to buy second hand phones near me: Apple iPhone iPhone 6

    2 000 RSD

    Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone iPhone 6

    Iphone 6 - 2 komada Na prodaju 2 komada Iphone 6 Ne znam koliko GB imaju Oba telefona imaju boot loop, tj. krenu da dizu sistem pa se ugase Pa opet tako u krug Ne znam da li su zakljucani Prodaj...


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